Articles on: Microsoft integrations

Integrating Microsoft Dynamics 365 with absentify

Integrating Microsoft Dynamics 365 with absentify

Table of Contents

Integrating Dynamics 365 with Outlook
Configuring Leave Types in absentify

1. Introduction

This documentation will guide you through the process of integrating Microsoft Dynamics 365 with absentify. By following these steps, your calendar entries in Outlook will automatically sync with Dynamics categories.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 allows calendar entries in Outlook to be marked with the "Tracked to Dynamics 365" category. This marking enables Dynamics 365 to seamlessly integrate and track these entries within the Dynamics 365 environment. By using the "Tracked to Dynamics 365" category, absences recorded in absentify and synced to Outlook can be automatically linked to corresponding records in Dynamics 365, facilitating better data management and reporting.

Using the "Tracked to Dynamics 365" category in Outlook provides several benefits specifically for absentify:

Automated Absence Tracking: Absences created in absentify are marked with the "Tracked to Dynamics 365" category when synced to Outlook. This ensures that all employee absences are recorded in Dynamics 365, facilitating better data management and reporting.

Enhanced HR Management: HR departments can benefit from the seamless integration as all absence records from absentify are tracked in Dynamics 365. This allows for more accurate tracking of leave balances and improves the efficiency of leave management processes.

Improved Reporting and Analytics: With all absence data tracked in Dynamics 365, you can leverage the robust reporting and analytics capabilities of Dynamics 365 to gain insights into absence patterns, employee attendance, and overall workforce management.

Consistency Across Platforms: Ensuring that absences recorded in absentify are tagged and tracked in Dynamics 365 maintains consistency across different platforms, reducing discrepancies and ensuring that all stakeholders have access to up-to-date information.

2. Prerequisites

Before you start the integration, make sure you meet the following prerequisites:

- You have a Microsoft Dynamics 365 account.
- You have a Microsoft Outlook account integrated with Dynamics 365.
- You have access to your absentify account.
- The Microsoft Outlook Calendar Synchronization is enabled in absentify under Settings > Microsoft > Calendar Synchronization.

3. Integrating Dynamics 365 with Outlook

Microsoft Dynamics 365 provides a standard integration with Outlook that allows you to set categories originating from Dynamics. These categories are automatically transferred to Microsoft 365. Here are the steps you need to follow as a Dynamics administrator:

Install Dynamics 365 App for Outlook:
- Open the Dynamics 365 Admin Center and navigate to "Settings" > "Dynamics 365 App for Outlook".
- Ensure that the users who will use the app have the appropriate security role ("Dynamics 365 App for Outlook User"). More details can be found here.

Set Up Server-Side Synchronization:
- Go to "Settings" > "Email Configuration" and select "Server-Side Synchronization".
- Test and enable mailboxes to ensure they are correctly set up. Detailed instructions are available here.

Use Categories in Outlook:
- Create a rule in Outlook to assign or remove categories. The "Tracked to Dynamics 365" category can be used to automatically sync appointments and emails.
- Verify that the "Tracked to Dynamics 365" category is present in the Outlook category list and is used correctly. Learn more about using categories here.

4. Configuring Leave Types in absentify

You can configure individual leave types in absentify to set a specific Dynamics category when syncing with Outlook:

Go to Settings in absentify.
Navigate to "Leave Types".
Select the leave type you want to configure.
Go to the synchronization settings and choose the appropriate Dynamics category.

When categories are available, the user will see a setting like the one in the following image:

5. Conclusion

After completing the steps above, the integration of Microsoft Dynamics 365 with absentify should work seamlessly. Your calendar entries in Outlook will automatically sync with Dynamics categories, and you can configure leave types in absentify accordingly.

Updated on: 26/07/2024

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