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Create and share Outlook calendars

Looking to either add or share a calendar in your Outlook account? You've come to the right place! This article will cover everything you need to know about adding and sharing calendars between users.

Once you've learned how to add other calendars, you can easily use the Calendar Sync feature to make managing absences even more flexible and user-friendly!

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Create a calendar
Share Outlook calendar
Add a shared calendar
Sync absences with Calendar Sync

Create a calendar

Before you can share a calendar, you'll need to first create one.

Start by logging into your Outlook calendar and select Add calendar from the left hand side rail.

A window will pop up, from which you can select Create blank calendar.

You'll be automatically redirected to the following page, where you can select the details of the calendar you'd like to add. This includes:

Calendar name: Describe the calendar you're creating (ex.: Privat/Personal, Marketing, Management)
Color and Charm (optional: ) Select a symbol and color to depict the calendar
Add to: Select which group you'd like to add your new calendar to

Once you're satisfied with your changes, click Save to add the calendar. Now you'll be able to see it amongst your other added calendars on the left hand side.

Share an Outlook Calendar

Allowing other users permission to view a certain calendar can help to expedite your workload! This is a useful feature if you have staff members who need to compare schedules.

Start by clicking on the three dots on the right hand side of the calendar that you'd like to share.

From here, you can edit the privacy settings of this calendar and enable other users to view it.

Complete the page with the user's e-mail and select the desired editing permissions to grant them.

After clicking Share, the user will receive an email asking them if they want to accept.

After clicking Accept and View Calendar, the user will now be able to see the shared calendar from their personal Outlook calendar.

Add a shared Outlook calendar

Now that you've shared your calendar, you may want to add the shared calendar from a co-worker.

Please note that a Microsoft Exchange Server account is required in order to share calendars

Start by logging into your Outlook Exchange and accessing My Calendar from the left side rail.

From here, you'll see an option for Add calendar. After clicking this option, a window will automatically pop up and you can select the desired user's calendar.

Now you'll need to search for their calendar by selecting an account to search from.

From the drop down menu, select the desired user.

Select which calendar you'd like to sync theirs with. This will in turn be added to the specific calendar group you select. Your options here are as followed:

My calendars: Selecting this option will add it to your own calendar
Other calendars: Selecting this option will add it to a different calendar group of yours
People's calendars: Selecting this option will add it to another person's calendar

Click Add to save your changes.

Once you've added your co-workers calendar, you can easily synchronize their absences from absentify into their shared Outlook calendar!

Sync absences with Calendar Sync

Take advantage of absentify's Calendar Sync feature.

This is a great way to automatically sync an entire departments' absences with your Outlook Calendar. No more manually having to add them via email!


Upgrade: Shared Calendar Sync
Set-up calendar weeks
Calendar Synchronization

Updated on: 16/06/2024

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