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Department visibility

With limited department visibility and enhanced privacy settings, absentify brings a new level of control and confidentiality to your organization's absence management.

With these features, you can safeguard sensitive information, restrict access to specific departments, and ensure that only authorized personnel can view and manage leave-related data, bolstering data security and compliance with ease.

Learn how to implement these useful settings for a more secure and confidential absence management process on absentify!

Changing department visibility

If you're an admin, if you'd like all departments within your company to be visible to all employees, then you can easily set up this feature by following Settings > General.

At the bottom of the page, you'll notice a section titled Privacy.

Flip the toggle switch on, to allow all employees within your company to view all departments including who is in each department.

Don't forget to click Save to save your changes!

What the user sees:

With department visibility activated: from the Overview page, your employees will be able to switch between the various departments.

By selecting `All departments`` users can view all employees within the company.

With department visibility deactivated: from the Overview page, your employees will only be able to select departments, of which they're a member of.

For example, in the photo below, Noélia is only a part of the sales department.

This is the overview she'll see of her department.

Because Noélia is the manager of the sales department, she also sees the vacation deductible in the blue bubbles next to the employees' photos, whereas regular employees cannot.

For more information or if you have any questions, reach out to our support team or feel free to give us feedback on our Roadmap - we're always happy to help and hear from our customers!


Individual user permissions
Edit user visibility
Individual user permissions

Updated on: 12/08/2024

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