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Inform HR of absences via Power Automate

In this article, you will learn how to use absentify and Microsoft Power Automate to send automatic notifications to your HR department as soon as you enter a new absence or modify an existing one. This feature helps you keep track and ensures that all important people are informed immediately.

Let's get started!

Step 1: Preparation

Before you start, make sure you have access to Microsoft Power Automate, either with a Business or an Enterprise plan.

The Business plan includes three Power Automate Connectors, while the Enterprise plan offers unlimited access. Also, make sure that the absentify Power Automate Connector is available in your Power Automate environment.

Then, navigate to Settings > Integrations > Microsoft Power Automate.

Click on Connect with Power Automate.

Step 2: Creating a New Flow

Go to Power Automate, select Create > Automated Cloud Flow.

Name your flow, for example, "Absence Notification to HR with absentify".

As a trigger, you can choose:

"Request created": for when a new absence request is made.
"Request status updated": for when an absence request is updated.

Step 3: Adding a Condition (optional)

If you want to send notifications only under certain conditions, such as only for approved absence requests, add a condition.

Select Add an action.

First, click on Control.

Finally, select Condition.

Step 4: Configuring the Notification Action

To configure the details of the absence type, click on the lightning bolt and select details Leave type.

Set the condition to apply when the status is "approved".

In the "If yes" branch, add an action to notify the HR department, such as by sending an email with Office 365 Outlook.

Now click on Send an email (V2).

Step 5: Entering Conditional Variables

Configure the email with details such as the recipient address (of the HR department), subject, and message.

Use dynamic content from the absentify request. You can either copy the provided example content or use the specified variables to customize your message.

Option 1: You can copy this content as an example:

Hello HR Team,

This is to inform you that a request with the following details has been created or updated:

Employee: @{triggerOutputs()?['body/details/requester_member/name']}
Absent from: @{triggerOutputs()?['body/start']} @{triggerOutputs()?['body/start_at']}
Absent until: @{triggerOutputs()?['body/end']} @{triggerOutputs()?['body/end_at']}
Reason: @{triggerOutputs()?['body/details/reason']}
Type of absence: @{triggerOutputs()?['body/details/leave_type/name']}
Duration in days: @{triggerOutputs()?['body/duration']}
Deduction from the allowance: @{triggerOutputs()?['body/duration']}

Option 2: You can use the following variables from the data list:

Employee: details Request requester Request requester name
Absent from: Request start date `Request start at`
Absent until: Request end date `Request end at`
Reason: details Request reason
Type of absence: details Request requester Allowances allowance
Duration in days: details Request duration subtracted
Deduction from the allowance: details Request requester allowances taken

Step 6: Save and Test Your Flow

Save your flow and perform tests by submitting or updating an absence request in absentify.
This ensures that the HR department is informed as expected.

With these steps, you can ensure that your HR department is automatically informed about new or updated absences, significantly reducing administrative effort.

If you encounter any difficulties during setup or while testing your flow, our support team is happy to help. We are here to assist you in getting the most out of absentify!

Updated on: 06/06/2024

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