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Microsoft Entra ID/Teams Group Synchronization

Unlock the full potential of your organizational management with our Teams and Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) Groups Synchronization feature! Streamline your absentify experience by seamlessly integrating with Microsoft Entra ID/Teams, ensuring departmental assignments and user management are always up-to-date and hassle-free.

This powerful tool allows for seamless integration between absentify and your existing Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Directory) or Microsoft Teams groups.


Before you begin, ensure you have:
An absentify account with admin rights
Access to Microsoft Entra ID with admin rights
Activated Teams and Entra ID. Click here to learn more.

With customizable settings, you can automate user account creation, respond to group changes, manage automatic archiving of inactive users, and track managerial changes within your groups.

This integration not only streamlines the management of user roles and permissions but also simplifies the onboarding and offboarding processes, reducing manual tasks and improving overall system accuracy.

Keep your team's absence management in perfect alignment with your organizational changes using absentify's Microsoft Entra ID/Teams Group Synchronization.

Let's get started

Head over to Settings > Integrations > Microsoft Entra ID/Teams Group Synchronization.

Click Configuration > Add a Microsoft Entra ID/Teams group synchronization.

Name your synchronization. We recommend choosing the same name as the group in Microsoft and the departmen(s) in absentify that you'd like to sync so that you can easily retrace which groups you've synced later.

Now select the group from Microsoft that you wish to sync.

Select the department(s) in absentify to sync.

Now you'll have the option to choose between the three following options. Click each option to find out more.

Enable Auto-Creation of user accounts
Manage department membership and archive users not assigned to departments
Sync group owners as department managers

Enable Auto-Creation of user accounts

This feature is great if you don't want to have to deal with the hassle of adding each user individually into absentify. Perfect for larger companies who already have their users uploaded in Microsoft and organized per department so that you don't have to do it twice! Enable this feature to automatically generate absentify accounts for users not currently in the absentify system. These new accounts will be set to inactive status, and a notification will be sent to all administrators.

Ensure the toggle for Enable Auto-Creation of user accounts is activated.

From the Microsoft Groups page, select the group that you've synced in absentify. Navigate to Members and click Add members

Add the E-mail of the user and click Save.

The user will appear in your absentify workspace under Settings >.`Users`. The user will be set to inactive until you decide to send them an invite to the app. This allows admins time to set up the user's profile first. For more information on activating users, check out this helpdesk article.

Click the pencil icon next to the new user for Edit. From here you can edit the entire user profile. Visit our support guide on
How to add users to your absentify account for more information in editing the user profile.

Manage department membership and archive users not assigned to departments

Choose this option to ensure that when employees are removed from an Microsoft Entra ID/Teams group, their association with corresponding departments in absentify is also removed.

Ensure the toggle for Manage department membership on group updates and archive users not assigned to departments.

Edit the Entra ID group membership accordingly in the Microsoft 365 admin center under Group > Members.

Navigate back to and sync the desired department with the selected Microsoft group.

Under Settings > Departments you'll notice that all the group members are part of the absentify department.

This setting will also automatically archive employees who are not linked to any departments post-synchronization. Administrators will receive an email notification of this action. Archived employees will maintain their department assignments according to the last sync settings. Please note that any automatic archiving or department removal will be delayed by 10 minutes to accommodate further group changes.

Sync group owners as department managers

Automatically align department managers in absentify with the owners of your Microsoft Entra ID/Teams groups. Upon activation, this feature updates manager roles to mirror changes in group ownership, ensuring your management structure remains consistent with your organizational setup. New owners become managers; removed owners lose managerial status in linked departments.

Ensure the toggle for Sync group owners as department managers is activated.

Edit the Entra ID owner membership accordingly in the Microsoft 365 admin center under Group > Owners.

Navigate back to and sync the desired department with the selected Microsoft group.

Under Settings > Departments you'll notice that all the group owners are now department managers.

Ready to revolutionize the way you manage your teams? Activate the Teams and Entra ID Groups synchronization feature today and experience a new level of efficiency! For more detailed information, visit our support article on [Microsoft Entra ID/Teams Group Synchronization]. Your optimized workflow awaits!

Need help?

For further assistance, feel free to contact absentify support. If you have suggestions for new features, please leave recommendations on the absentify roadmap. We're here to help you make the most out of absentify!

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How to add users to your absentify account

Updated on: 12/08/2024

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