Delete company account
You can easily delete your company account in the event that your company no longer exists, or for any other reason such as a company restructure.
It's very simply, just follow these quick and easy steps:
From the absentify overview page, click on Settings > Delete.
Confirm your selecting by clicking Delete company account.
If you delete your company account, there is no way (not even for us) to restore your account due to the fact that we are DSGVO compliant.
Please proceed with caution!
It's very simply, just follow these quick and easy steps:
From the absentify overview page, click on Settings > Delete.
Confirm your selecting by clicking Delete company account.
If you delete your company account, there is no way (not even for us) to restore your account due to the fact that we are DSGVO compliant.
Please proceed with caution!
Updated on: 22/09/2023
Thank you!