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How to add users to your absentify account

Once you've setup your company in absentify, it's time to add your users to start tracking their time off!

By allowing administrators to easily onboard and manage users, absentify allows for efficient collaboration, reduces administrative overhead, and ensures accurate record-keeping of employee absences, ultimately leading to a more productive and organized workplace.

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Add users individually
Add users via import
Add users via Microsoft Sync
Editing a user's information
Add a user's birthday
Change a user's approver
Change a user's allowance
Change a user's schedule

Things to know before you begin:

absentify recommends that its users create the following before adding users: public holidays and departments.

Only admins have the option to add users.

When adding a new user, you'll be prompted to enter the user's department(s) and public holiday(s). To fill out this portion, you'll first need to supplement these for your company. Visit our quickstart guide for adminstrators to get started.

absentify is developed for Microsoft 365 which means that all users you invite need to have an email address which corresponds to a Microsoft account.

To start adding your employees as users to your company's absentify account, go to Settings > Users

You'll be given two options on how you'd like to add your users whether it be one at a time or a bulk import by importing the data from a list of users. Keep reading to learn more about these two options.

Import users individually

Click on Invite a new user.

The "Invite a new user" form will be displayed automatically where you'll be prompted to add the details of the employee. These include:

E-mail: the email needs to correspond to a Microsoft 365 account.
Department(s): select one or more department that they are a member of
Public holidays: select one or more public holidays that will show up on their calendar
Employment start date: specify when the user had/has their first working day
Default allowances: the annual allowance quota (current year) for the user. If you have set up multiple allowances, they will all be displayed here.

Tips for allowances:

Pro-Rata calculation: The allowance(s) for the current fiscal year will be automatically calculated pro rata based off of the employee's start date and the department they are assigned to. Please check these allowance values to make sure they are correct or edit the user's allowance later by editing the user's allowance..

Note: if you manually adjust the allowance, it won't update if you later change the department or start date. Any further adjustments must be made manually.

Default allowances: absentify gives it's users the option to set up default allowances per user. deactivate certain allowances to remove them from the user's calendar. To learn more about default allowances and how to set them up for new users, read our helpdesk article, Setting up allowances for new users.

Remember that before completing the registration, all users will be automatically set to inactive by default. You'll have to manually set the user to active later, to send them an invite.

This is so that admins have time to customize the users profile such as update Allowances, Approver, Department, etc. Once you're ready to invite the user to the app, simply go into their profile settings and flip the toggle ON for Active user.

Click here to read more about activating users.

Import users via Excel

This option is recommended for large teams with at least 10 staff members. Importing users via Excel allows you to assign allowance quotas, public holidays, and departments directly in the file.

Pro tip: Utilize absentify's Teams and Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) Groups synchronization to save time during user import! Click here to learn more.

Before downloading the User Upload Excel, we recommend first adding any necessary departments and public holidays for your organization. This ensures that the Excel file includes all relevant departments and holidays automatically, saving you from manual entry!

Click on the following links for more info on adding both departments or public holidays.

To start, navigate to Settings > Users > Import users. You'll be prompted to download an Excel template.

From here, you can choose to have the Excel template automatically populated with users from your Teams groups if you've activated Teams and Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) Groups synchronization. If you've decided not to activate this feature, jump ahead to manual import.

Import via Microsoft Group synchronization

The Teams and Entra ID synchronization is optional, but beneficial for large teams. Select a Teams group to automatically add its users to the Excel document, saving you from manual entry.

Once you're satisfied with your selection, click Download.

In the Excel document, all users from the selected group will appear along with their contact information.

Remember, you can easily delete or add users to the pre-filled Excel as needed.

Assign users to departments and public holidays as shown in the other two sheets of the Excel file. Fill out the allowance quota values per user for the current fiscal year. Once satisfied with the entries, reupload the Excel file. All users from the list will now be part of your absentify workspace!

Ensure all data is correct before activating each user.

Manual import

After downloading the Excel file, you'll notice three different sheets to fill out your company's information. From the Import Data page, complete the following:

Name: List all your employees' names.

Email: List their email addresses. Note that absentify is developed for Microsoft 365, so all users you invite must have a Microsoft account.

Department: List one or more departments the user is a member of. The dropdown menu will include all departments already created in your organization's absentify account. For more information on creating departments, click here.

Public holidays: Select the public holidays to show on the user's calendar from the dropdown menu. The options will include all holidays already created in your organization's absentify account.

Employment start date: Specify the user's first working day.

Custom ID: If your company uses an ID system to identify staff, enter this value here.

Account enabled: Select either active or inactive from the dropdown menu. If you select Inactive, the user will not receive an email notification after reuploading the Excel file to absentify, and you will need to activate the user manually. If you select Active, absentify will automatically activate the user. Use the inactive setting if further customizations are necessary after re-upload.

Annual allowance: This is the annual quota (current year), automatically calculated based on the employment start date and the department's annual vacation contingent. This is a suggestion from absentify and can be adjusted as needed. If you have set up multiple allowances within absentify for your organization, they will all be displayed here and can be adjusted accordingly.

As soon as you've filled out each user's information, it should look something like this:

Once you're finished, save your updated Excel spreadsheet and upload your updated version back to absentify by clicking Upload.

Click Invite all users to complete the registration.

Shortly after, an invitation will be sent to the registered email addresses of those set to Active. Remember that before completing the registration, any users that were set to Inactive in the Excel, will need to be manually activated from their user profile once you are ready to invite them to the app!

Import users via Microsoft Sync

This option for importing users is recommend for large teams with a maximum of 10 staff members, or for adding multiple new users at once.

The reason being that after importing users via the Microsoft Teams Group and Entra ID Sync, you'll need to manually update the allowance quota, the public holidays and the departments assigned to each user. This feature is however beneficial is you don't want to spend time filling out the Excel export to add users.

To start, go to Settings > Microsoft and activate the toggle for Teams and Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) Groups synchronization.

After activation, go to Settings > Integrations > Microsoft Entra ID/Teams Group Synchronization.

Click on Configuration > Add a Microsoft Entra ID/Teams group synchronization.

Name your group you'd like to sync and click Next.

Now you need to select the Microsoft group that you'd like to sync. Groups can be created or edited within the Microsoft Admin Portal.

Once you've selected the desired group from the dropdown menu, click Next.

Select the department(s) within absentify that will be synchronized with your chosen Microsoft Entra ID/Teams group.

After clicking Next, you'll be directed to the sync options. For adding users, activate the Toggle Enable Auto-Creation of user accounts. This will automatically add all participants of the selected Microsoft group to absentify. Click Save to finish the import.

Now I'll be able to view the newly uploaded users from Settings > Users. You'll notice that the profile photo will not be updated until the user is invited and logs into the app for the first time.

The user's status' will automatically be set to "Inactive". Once you're ready to invite the user to the app, click on Activate user from their profile. We recommend doing this after you've set up their profile accordingly.

Editing a user's information

After you have added the user(s), you can add/edit any information about the user by clicking Settings > User and clicking the pencil icon for Edit next to the user whose information you'd like to change.

From the pop-up, you can make any changes to the user's info as well as add any additional information, including:

1. Add a user's birthday

Go to Edit > Profile > Birthday.

Change the date to their birthday and click Save to save your changes.

Their birthday will be displayed in their calendar as well as any other user's calendar whose in their department. However, depending on the privacy settings in place, those who have permission to view across departments will also be able to see the user's birthday.

For more information on which users have which permissions, visit our support article - Permissions per user - and scroll down to Privacy Settings.

2. Change a user's approver

Start by navigating to to Approver.

The default setting for the user's approver will be their department manager.

If you'd like to change this, select the approver whom you'd like to approve or deny the employee's requests.

Click Save to save your changes.

For more details on selecting a user's approver, see Selecting a user's approver to learn more.

3. Make a user an admin

Go to Profile

Scroll down until you see Administrator.

By activating this toggle and clicking Save, the user need only to log out and once they look back in they'll have admin rights.

For more information on user permissions, click here.

4. Change a user's allowance

From the allowance page, admins have the option to edit a user's default allowance as well as update the visibility of each allowance created.

Start by navigating to Allowance from the user's profile.

Editing allowance values

If you'd like to update the number of days or hours of a certain allowance type that a user is to be allotted for a specific year, click on the pencil icon next to the desired year you'd like to edit.

You'll have the option to edit the user's vacation allowance for the previous, current, and following years including:

Carry-over: how many days were carried over from the previous year
Allowance: how many total days they have in their annual contingent
Compensatory time off: if an employee worked overtime or on a holiday, the amount of extra days worked can be changed here and will be added to the user's vacation contingent.

The values entered here can be edited anytime provided that the value changed is not less than what the user has already requested for the year.

Click Save to save your changes.

Only the allowance and the compensatory time off can be altered for the current and following year, whereas for the previous year you'll also have the option to change the carried over time off to be carried over to the current year.

Editing allowance visibility

Deactivating the visibility toggle next to the allowance type, will delete this allowance from the user's yearly quota all together.

For example, Lidia works in Spain where medical appointment isn't offered as an allowance type. Admins have the option of deleting this deductible quota from her calendar, which won't allow her to request this leave type.

For more information on default allowances and allowance visibility, visit our support article, Setting up default allowances.

5. Change a user's schedule

Go to Schedule

From here you'll have the option to edit their current work schedule or add a new work schedule.

If you choose to add more than one schedule, you'll need to specify when one is to end and the next one to begin. The reason being that a user cannot have two schedules in operation at the same time.

For more information on editing a user's working hours, see Set business hours for your users to learn more.

Don't forget to click Save to save your changes!

It is important that you set their schedule correctly so that the deductions are correct when they book their absences.

You can also add an already created calendar for users who work abroad which includes the public holidays. To do this, select one of the pre-set calendars from the dropdown menu.

Users > Edit > Public holiday calendar.

If the holiday calendar you're looking for isn't there, you can add a new holiday calendar under Settings > Holidays > Add holidays.

From there you can find holidays from over 250 countries and regions!

To learn about how to add a public holiday calendar, visit Public holidays for more info.

Email history

In the user profile page, you can view the Email history sent to the user. Navigate to Edit > Email history. From here you'll get an overview of all the E-mails sent to that user over the last three months as well as if they have been received or are still pending.

Now that you've added all your employees, you're reading to start tracking their time off with absentify!

Need help?

We're always happy to hear from our users. Feel free to reach out to our support team if you have any questions, or leave a recommendation on our roadmap if you have ideas on how we can improve absentify!

How to activate users
Archive/unarchive and delete users
Quickstart guide for admins

Updated on: 30/08/2024

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